BRINGING UP THE LIFE: This would mean a person was livening up the horse for a purpose they had in mind. For sure, you need to have a purpose for livening up that horse. The person needs to have a clear understanding of the way that horse’s energy is going to be put to work, because once that life comes up from inside that horse, it needs to be directed. Bringing up the life is a feel that comes from your body right on through to his body. This could be called one of the basics, because you need to have it built into your foundation real solid.
That life in the horse that comes up, why it can occur anytime you are sitting on him or when you work with him on the ground. It can also occur when the horse thought you meant for him to bring up that energy by something you did. The person might not even realize they did anything to cause the horse to respond the way he did. It could be just some extra little unwanted motion they made, but the horse sure noticed it. So the next time you’d try to notice what you did to cause him to respond the way he did. Maybe you’d have to do something a little different the next time — or you wouldn’t, if what you’d done worked out for the best. No, if it was something that you did through feel that got that horse to operate that good way for you, why you’d try hard to remember what it was that you did right on the spur of the moment — so you’d be thinking about what to do when you needed that useful response from the horse sometime in the future. That’s where your timing and your experimenting would come in, because those two things fit right in with the plan that you’d need to have ready the next time you needed some extra life in the horse. We’ll assume you’d be successful in bringing up the life in the horse, and when it showed up, you’d be prepared for it, or you’d try to be anyway.
The main part of this that people need to understand is that the horse already has life. It’s just a question of how a person goes about getting it to show up when there’s a need for it, and then getting it to work for them. It’s going to fit your horse a lot better if you have a job to do with him when that life becomes available, than if you don’t.
We’ll say another word for that (life in the horse) could be his energy. This might show up all of a sudden and be surprising to a person who didn’t have much experience. And maybe they would wish to avoid this. But if they had feel built into their way of doing things on the start, that’d cut way down on some of the more surprising things that can happen.