Marie Bergquist Kraft
Swedish Channel Translator

Hi! I´m Marie. I live in Sweden outside a small city called Norrtälje, one hour drive from Stockholm. Me and my husband have a small farm with horses, goats, dogs, cats and hen together with my daughter who lives with her boyfriend in a small house on the farm. I am a retired MD, but now I have focus on Wellness. We have courses on the farm. I also like to groom for my daughter at competitions in combined driving with the two Shetland ponies in pair.
I first met Leslie 20 years ago and it changed my life with horses. She showed us how to become companions with the horses and that both you and the horse should enjoy the time spent together. I learned how important the groundwork is. I still have a lot to learn. My ambition is to have a good and safe time with the horses at the stable pasteur, the arena or riding out in the woods Even though time has changed this last 20 years and more people are concerned about the horses wellbeing we still have a long way to go and Leslie is showing us the way.